Crews work with partner agencies to resolve incident

We have been working with partner agencies, including Harlow District Council and Cadent, to resolve an incident at Edmunds Tower in Haydens Road, Harlow.

We were called at 4.18pm by a concerned resident and we have been working to make sure the building is safe.

We were able to hand over the building to the local authority shortly before 9pm.

Group Manager Marc Diggory said: "I'd like to thank the community for its assistance and patience."

Tumble dryer fire

Firefighters have given safety advice after a tumble dryer caused a fire in a garage. 

Crews from Brentwood and Chelmsford were called to Clavery Way, Hutton at 2.20pm and found a tumble dryer on fire in a heavily smoke logged garage. 

Watch Manager Ben Stapleton said: “Crews worked hard to stop the fire from spreading into the house. Unfortunately there was some fire damage to the roof, crews made it as safe as it can be for the windy weather.

Smoke logged restaurant

Firefighters were called to reports of a fire in a restaurant by a passerby who heard the smoke alarm sounding.

When firefighters arrived they found the restaurant full of smoke.

Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus gained access to the building (which was closed at the time of the fire) and found a light fitting had caught alight and caused the whole building to fill with smoke.

Firefighters also checked the neighbouring properties to make sure the smoke hadn't spread.

Large building fire

Firefighters were called to reports of a large plume of smoke in Stambridge at around midday.

Fire crews reported that a number of large buildings was alight.

Crews are urging nearby residents to close their windows and doors as the fire is currently producing a lot of smoke.

*Update 1pm*

The fire involves a number of industrial units which measure a total area of 100m x 50m. Firefighters are fighting the fire and protecting the currently unaffected units.

*Update 2:30pm*

Smoke alarm saves family from serious house fire

A family in Canvey were alerted to a fire in their home thanks to their working smoke alarms.

The fire started at around midnight last night in a ground floor room of the property. Thankfully the house has working smoke alarms that alerted the sleeping family to the fire. The family were able to get out safely and call the fire service.

Crew Manager Paul Conyard from Southend Fire Station said:

Second serious house fire caused by candles in two days

Firefighters are urging everyone living in Essex to extinguish candles every time you need to leave the room after an unattended candle destroyed another house in a serious fire today.

Fire crews were called to Doubleday Drive in Heybridge shortly before 4pm today and found the terraced house full of smoke and fire raging in the living room,

Firefighters extinguished the fire quickly and stopped it spreading to neighbouring homes.

The house has been badly fire and smoke damaged. 

Unattended candle destroys living room

Firefighters are asking everyone who uses candles to make sure to blow them out every time you need to leave the room after an unattended candle destroyed a living room in Harlow yesterday. 

Crews were called to Felmongers, Harlow at 2:49pm after neighbours heard smoke alarms going off and called us. 

On arrival, crews reported that the house was heavily smoke logged. 

Firefighters wearing Breathing Apparatus entered the home and rescued a dog. 

Shops evacuated after chemical reaction

Firefighters evacuated a number of shops in a shopping centre in Harlow today after a chemical reaction in a basement.

Crews were called to a retail unit in Terminus Street, Harlow at 11:51am.

On arrival, four crews reported that chemicals had reacted in one of the retail units. Firefighters worked with police colleagues to evacuate a number of shops within the area as a precaution. 

Specially trained Detection Identification and Monitoring (DIM) officers were requested to monitor the chemical levels and what threat they posed to the wider public.