A line drawing of a pound sign


On this page you'll find our:

  • Statement of accounts
  • Fire Authority Budget
  • Insurance certificates
  • Medium Term Financial Plan 2020-24
  • Financial Strategies and Plans

Statement of accounts

On this page, you will find the Statement of Accounts for Essex Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue authority.

Supporting documents: 

2022/23 Comparative Balances

The audit of the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 for the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Fire and Rescue Authority (PFCCFRA) has not yet been concluded by the external auditors, Grant Thornton UK LLP. The external auditors have not been able to complete the audit as they are still awaiting receipt of the Letter of Assurance from the auditors of the Essex Pension Fund (Local Government Pension Scheme Audit).

The Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 reflect the 2022/23 comparative balances that are in the published 2022/23 Statement of Accounts that can be found at the following link: Finance | Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (essex-fire.gov.uk)


Inspection Period

The audit of the 2022/23 financial statements is the final year of the audit contract with Grant Thornton UK LLP.  New external auditors have been procured, however they cannot be formally appointed until Grant Thornton UK LLP have signed off the 2022/23 audit opinion whereby, they can duly resign as external auditors.

An inspection notice is usually included alongside the publication of the Unaudited Financial Statements. This is a formal 30 day inspection period commencing on the date of publication for local electors, who have the right to inspect the accounting records which is governed under Part 5 of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.  Regulation 15(2)(b) requires that the name and address of the local auditor is included within the inspection notice.

Once the new incoming auditors have been appointed, the inspection notice will be published which will include the name and address of the local auditor so that this 30 day inspection can commence.

Insurance Certificates

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