Education Programmes
Each of our experienced Education Officers works hard to teach children how they can prevent fires at home. We also teach children about the importance of home security, consequences of committing arson or making hoax calls, crime prevention, cyber safety, road safety, knife crime, gang awareness, hate crime and healthy relationships.
Our team of Education Officers deliver key safety messages to children in Key Stages two, three and four, using interactive school programmes. All of our education programmes are free of charge and open to all schools in Essex.
To book your school visit, please complete this form.
StayWise - Saving lives through education
StayWise (staywise.co.uk - external website) is a free online library that brings together the educational resources of the emergency services (fire, police, ambulance, coastguard, RNLI) and key safety-focused organisations. Led by the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC) it was established to support teachers and community safety practitioners to deliver essential safety messages to children and young people.
The website is full of resources that can be linked to the national curriculum to advance children’s understanding of public safety issues, such as fire safety and water safety.
StayWise resources can be chosen by age group, school subject and safety theme. They are aligned to national messaging, and are varied and engaging, making it easy to teach young people about safety.
Start using StayWise
We are using StayWise to deliver safety education in schools and communities across Essex and we'd like you to use it too! If you're a teacher, educator, parent/guardian or just someone interested in keeping children and young people safe, visit StayWise and help us save lives through education.
Teachers and emergency service workers can register to gain access to the 'Teachers' or 'Blue Light Users' sections. However, everyone can access the 'Public Resources' section.