PHOTOS: Vape explosion

Firefighters have given safety advice for e-cigarette and vape users after a vape exploded in a house in Rochford today.

Crews from Rochford and Southend were called the The Ridings in Rochford just before 10am after the vape exploded and set the smoke alarms off.

Firefighters believe the explosion was called by a battery fault.

PHOTO: Tumble dryer fire

Firefighters have given safety advice for using tumble dryers after a tumble dryer caused a fire in a garage.

Crews were called to Westcliff Parade, Westcliff just after 9:30pm and found a tumble dryer on fire in a heavily smoke logged garage.

Firefighters extinguished the fire by 10:13pm.

Crew Manager Rick Jones from Southend Fire Station said: “Please take extra care when using tumble dryers and appliances like washing machines and dishwashers. Please do not run them overnight while you are asleep or when you are out.”

Road traffic collision - woman rescued

Firefighters rescued a woman who was trapped in her car following a road traffic collision earlier today.

On arrival, on-call firefighters from Newport Fire Station and Saffron Walden Fire Station reported that a woman was trapped in her car and worked to release her by 10:14am.

The woman was left in the care of the Ambulance Service.

Could you be an on-call firefighter?

Firefighters who attended this incident are on-call firefighters who live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station and are paid to protect their community.

Farm building fire

Crews extinguished a fire in a farm outbuilding in Thaxted.

Firefighters were called to Bardfield Road today at 4pm and found part of large industrial building alight.

Watch Manager Darren Hockley said: "Crews worked really hard to quickly get the fire under control and stop it from spreading.

"The building was filled with construction materials, mainly wood, which made the incident even more challenging.

"Crews extinguished the fire then had to turn over and remove materials to check for hot spots and damp down."

Crews extinguish kitchen fire

Crews extinguished a kitchen fire which started when shopping bags were set alight by a toaster.

Firefighters from Maldon and Chelmsford were called to a ground floor flat in Cherry Garden Road today at 1.33pm.

They found a fire in the kitchen and the rest of the flat filled with smoke.

Watch Manager Martin Cable said: "The occupant had come home and put his shopping bags on his kitchen worktop. He accidently turned on his toaster with one of the bags and the next thing he knew, his kitchen was on fire.

Smoke alarms alert residents to house fire

Do you have working smoke alarms in your home?

A family in South Woodham Ferrers had a lucky escape from a house fire today after their smoke alarms woke them up.

Firefighters from South Woodham Ferrers and Wickford were called to a house fire in Anchor Reach, South Woodham Ferrers just after 7:30am.

On arrival, crews reported that a conservatory was heavily smoke logged and extinguished the fire by 8am.

Firefighters believe the fire was caused by batteries that had overheated while on charge.

House fire caused by overloaded socket

Crews have issued safety advice after tackling a house fire in Harlow today (Tuesday 30 March).

Firefighters from Harlow, Ongar and Epping attended The Briars at 4.31pm and found a fire in a first floor bedroom.

No one was inside the mid-terrace house when the fire started but thankfully a neighbour saw the smoke and called 999.

Station Manager Richie Green said: "Crews were faced with a well-developed fire and battled really well to contain it to the bedroom.

Man rescued from water

Firefighters were called by a concerned resident after they spotted a man stuck in a reed bed in a lake in Fingrighhoe.

The man had become stuck after he wandered out to the reed bed, but when the sun set he could not see a safe route to get back.

Firefighters specially trained in water rescues waded out to rescue the man. The man was checked over by the Ambulance Service but was luckily not injured.

Road traffic collision: man and woman rescued

Firefighters rescued a man and woman after road traffic collision involving two vehicles.

Crews from Colchester and Wivenhoe were called by Essex Police to Mersea Road, Colchester last night (Tuesday 30 March) at 8.18pm.

A man was trapped in one vehicle and a woman was trapped in the other.

Firefighters used specialist lifting and cutting equipment to release the casualties by 9.33pm and left them in the care of the Ambulance Service. 

Could you be an on-call firefighter?

Tumble dryer fire

Firefighters are highlighting the importance of having working smoke alarms after a tumble dryer fire in Shoeburyness.

A resident was in her garden when she noticed smoke coming from the conservatory which later set her smoke alarms off.

She acted quickly to shut the conservatory door, get out of the house and call the Fire Service out.

When crews arrived, the conservatory was smoke logged and firefighters extinguished the fire by 12:33pm.