
Shed fire

Firefighters have issued safety advice after a shed fire in Chelmsford.

Crews were called to reports of a fire in a garden in Galleywood Road today at 10.04am.

They found a shed, measuring 8 metres by 10 metres, completely alight at the end of the 200ft long garden.

Temporary Watch Manager Mark Curtis said: "The occupant had been clearing the garden and burning waste in an incinerator.

"Unfortunately, it was too close to a large shed and it caught fire. He had only left it unattended for a few minutes but the shed was completely alight and the fire had spread to trees and bushes.

"Thankfully, we were quickly on the scene and crews worked hard to stop it spreading further.

"Never leave any type of incinerator or open fire unattended and set it up well away from trees, sheds, fences, houses and garages.”

The fire was fully extinguished by 10.33am.

If you're planning to burn waste in your garden, read our safety advice:

  • Site the bonfire well away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs
  • Never leave the bonfire burning unattended
  • Make sure the stack is stable
  • Never use flammable liquids - paraffin or petrol - to light the fire
  • Don't burn foam-filled furniture, aerosols, tins of paint and bottles
  • Keep everyone, especially children, away from the fire
  • Pour water on the embers before leaving
Incident number
Attending station
Galleywood Road, Chelmsford
10.04am - 03 November 2021