Cottage fire

Crews were called to a fire in a cottage after a passerby noticed smoke coming from the property. 

When firefighters arrived they reported that the cottage was heavily smoke logged and the first floor was completely alight. 

Watch Manager Dave Hogan, Grays Fire Station, said:

"Our firefighters worked extremely well to stop the fire spreading and protect neighbouring properties."

Firefighters extinguished the fire by 10.11pm.

The first floor has been badly fire damaged and the ground floor has been damaged by smoke and water.

Cottage fire

Crews were called to a fire in a cottage after a passerby noticed smoke coming from the property. 

When firefighters arrived they reported that the cottage was heavily smoke logged and the first floor was completely alight. 

Watch Manager Dave Hogan, Grays Fire Station, said:

"Our firefighters worked extremely well to stop the fire spreading and protect neighbouring properties."

Firefighters extinguished the fire by 10.11pm.

The first floor has been badly fire damaged and the ground floor has been damaged by smoke and water.

Bungalow fire

Firefighters were called to a fire in a bungalow in Benfleet this afternoon.

When fire crews arrived they reported that the roof of the bungalow was alight and extinguished the fire by 4:45pm.

Three people were left in the care of the Ambulance Service suffering from smoke inhalation.

The cause has been recorded as accidental.

Do you have working smoke alarms?

Firefighters issue safety warning following chimney fire

Firefighters were called to a fire in a chimney at a property in Wickford last night (Tuesday 6 April).

When fire crews arrived they reported that 20% of the chimney was alight, and they requested an aerial ladder platform (ALP) so they could extinguish the fire from the roof.

Firefighters managed to extinguish the fire by 8:20pm.

Most chimney fires are preventable. Regular inspection and cleaning of chimney flues will help prevent fires within chimneys. Keep your family and home safe by following our chimney safety advice:

Second chimney fire in two days

Firefighters were called to a second chimney fire in two days this evening (Wednesday 7 April).

Chelmsford fire crews arrived at the incident and quickly worked to extinguish the fire.

The fire was fully extinguished by 7:15pm.

Most chimney fires are preventable. Regular inspection and cleaning of chimney flues will help prevent fires within chimneys. Keep your family and home safe by following our chimney safety advice:

Roof fire

*Update 5:30pm* An investigation into the cause of the fire found it started accidentally in the chimney.

*Update 2pm* Crews remain at the scene to monitor hotspots while our Fire Investigation Officers carry out their investigation into the cause of the fire.

Our Urban Search and Rescue Team is using their specialist cameras to assist with the investigation.

*Update 7am* Crews at the scene report that the fire is now out. An investigation will be carried out to establish the cause of the fire.

PHOTO: Workshop fire

Five crews worked to extinguish a workshop fire in Clacton this afternoon.

On arrival, crews reported that a workshop was 100% alight and contained propane cylinders. 

Crews extinguished the fire just before 2pm. 

Station Manager Scott Meekings said: “Crews worked extremely hard to extinguish the fire. They have removed the cylinders and these no longer pose a hazard to the incident. Crews will remain on scene monitoring hotspots.”

Could you be an on-call firefighter?