Recommendation 6

Recommendation 6:

By 1 June 2023, chief fire officers should seek regular feedback from staff about values, culture, fairness and diversity, with due regard to the leading and developing people standard []. They should show how they act on this feedback.

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

Extensive feedback received through 2022 staff survey.

Feedback from staff survey acted upon through action plans and activity woven into annual planning and People Strategy Action plan (examples in appendix 8).

Appraisals for April/May 2023 include a prompt to discuss wellbeing, values and behaviours.

A continuous schedule of SLT visits to all stations and departments enables opportunities for feedback.

Feedback encouraged from a variety of sources including ‘Ask me anything’. Recent letters received anonymously have provided an opportunity to seek further feedback.

January 2024

Feedback mechanisms continuing.

Action: This recommendation continues to be in place.

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