Service Leadership Team
The Service Leadership Team leads our Service under the direction of Rick Hylton, our Chief Fire Officer and Chief Executive.
They assist the Essex Police and Fire Crime Commissioner to meet their requirements to establish and oversee the corporate governance arrangements of our Service.
Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive
Rick Hylton
As Chief Fire Officer/Chief Executive, Rick has delegated authority and ultimate responsibility for the running of the Fire and Rescue Service in Essex. He appoints Directors who form the Service Leadership Team.
Rick says: “I am exceptionally proud to lead this great organisation alongside Moira.
“It is our role to make sure all of our colleagues flourish and provide the best possible service to the people of Essex.
“Our ambition is to be one of the best fire and rescue services in the country – it is what our communities deserve, and it is an ambition that I believe is achievable.”

Deputy Chief Fire Officer
Moira Bruin
Our Deputy Chief Fire Officer leads the effective and safe carrying out of organisational policy to meet statutory duties, supporting our core mission of making Essex a safe place to work live and travel.
Moira's other key responsibilities:
- To deputise for the CFO in their absence
- Responsible for providing arrangements for the delivery of service against statutory duties, national guidance, fire standards and improvement objectives
- Responsible for effective, efficient and safe delivery of response services making sure we achieve legal duties and meet performance measures.
- Responsible for effectively carrying out responsibilities under the Fire Safety Act 2005 including the carrying out of duties under the Building Safety Regulator and changes from the Fire Safety Bill.
- Responsible for the effective carrying out of legal responsibilities to prevent harm to the public through prevention activities including compliance with Children's Act and safeguarding
- Responsible for making sure our Service is a learning organisation through the delivery of effective debriefing and organisational learning that feeds back into improved practice
- To hold our Service to account for the delivery of performance, making sure it delivers improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and value for money
- Lead Executive Officer responsible for making sure our Service is compliant with the Health and Safety at work Act
- Responsible for effective business continuity arrangements to allow the Authority to always carry out its legal responsibilities including but not limited to - times of Industrial Action.
- Lead Executive Officer for Performance and Resource Board

Assistant Chief Fire Officer
James Taylor
Our Assistant Chief Fire Officer is responsible for our Service delivery and supporting our core mission of making Essex a safe place to work live and travel.
James' other key responsibilities:
- Responsible for effectively discharging responsibilities under the Fire Safety Act 2005 including the discharging of duties under the Building Safety Regulator and subsequent changes arising from the Fire Safety Bill
- Responsible for the effective discharging of legal, moral and ethical responsibilities to prevent harm to the public through prevention activities including compliance with the Children's Act as well as safeguarding aligned with objectives set within the Community Risk Management Plan
- Responsible for the safe and effective response to emergencies making sure all operational teams are well equipped, trained and prepared to respond to all foreseeable emergencies with the aim of saving life, protecting property and safeguarding the environment
- Responsible for the development and implementation of service delivery strategies aligned with service goals and statutory requirements, contribute to long-term planning to enhance capability, aligning operational resources with service the Community Risk Management Plan
- To provide leadership and strategic oversight of major incidents and emergencies making sure compliance with incident command protocols and post incident review and to act as a key liaison with external emergency services and government agencies as a member of the Principal Officers Command Team
- To build strong relationships with local authorities, emergency services and community organisation, represent the service at local, regional and national forums, advocate for public safety initiatives and partnerships that enhance service delivery

Assistant Director Communications, Marketing, Brand and Community Engagement
Emily Cheyne-Guess
Emily leads our organisation in delivering effective internal and external communication strategies and plans that promote our core values and mission, and enhance the safety of our communities and build confidence in the brand of our Service.
Her role includes:
Responsible for making sure our Service is compliant with legal duties to warn and inform the public in preparing and responding to emergencies
To act as the lead officer for making sure staff and stakeholder communication is effective
Responsible for identifying opportunities to promote and enhance our brand to communities, partners and key stakeholders
Lead officer for engaging with stakeholders during public consultation (CRMP)
Responsible for making sure our Service is compliant with the Localism Act (2011) with regards to transparency and accessibility of information
Responsible for making sure our Service has access to and is taking opportunities to engage with our diverse communities to improve service delivery
To act as principal advisor to the CFO on matters of corporate communications, crisis communications and brand advancement

Director of People Services
Colette Black
Colette leads our people and organisational strategy, creating a diverse competent and motivated workforce while managing best practice HR and workforce development.
Her role includes:
Responsible for our Service's approach to delivery of the people strategy and associated development of staff including work force succession.
To act as the Service lead officer for Industrial relations
Responsible for making sure operational training is delivered in a safe and effective way, resulting in a safe and competent workforce
Responsible for the leadership, management and behaviour change training of staff aligned with the objectives and priorities of the Fire and Rescue Plan and Community Risk Management Plan
Responsible for making sure effective people management systems are in place and our Service can demonstrate it values its employees and they are supported to achieve the highest standards
To act as the lead Executive officer for delivering an inclusive and diverse workforce including guaranteeing compliance with The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
To act as principal advisor to the CFO on matters of people and human resource management including cases of appeal and legal proceedings

Director of Corporate Services
Karl Edwards
Karl allows our organisation to meet its public duties by providing the infrastructure to support activities, making sure we comply with statutory responsibilities.
His role includes:
• To act as the lead Executive Officer for fleet and equipment, making sure fleet and operational equipment is fit for purpose, future proof and meets the needs of the risks identified
• Responsible for the safe and effective usage of estates, maximising value and making sure it is fit for purpose
• Responsible for delivering sustainability through the delivery of our Environmental strategy
• Responsible for IT systems and service infrastructure, inc mobilisation system and operational communications making sure it is resilient and users find it easy to access
• Guarantee compliance with the Data Protection Act and act as the Senior Information Responsible Officer (SIRO)
• To act as the Principal Advisor to the CFO on matters relating to corporate services
• Lead Executive Officer for liaison with Audit Committee

Director of Finance and Improvement
Neil Cross
Neil leads Service Improvement and organisational effectiveness through organisational planning, assurance and performance management. He oversees appropriate financial administration of the Authority and financial management across our organisation.
His role includes:
Statutory officer under Local Government 1974 act.
Legal duty to manage budget within set regulations to meet the needs of the Service
Responsible for procurement, making sure our Service is compliant with procurement rules and able to evidence value for money
Responsible for leading the identification, assessment, prioritisation, escalation and management of risk, together with providing suitable oversight of the internal controls to manage and respond to risks
Responsible for providing arrangements that enable effective planning and coordination of organisational improvements
Responsible for the setting a data led and performance-oriented culture through the effective production and use of performance and data analysis that drives Service Improvement.