Recommendation 5

Recommendation 5:

By 1 October 2023, chief fire officers should put plans in place to monitor, including through the gathering and analysis of staff feedback, watch and team cultures and provide prompt remedial action for any issues they identify.

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

Monthly reporting is in place which reports on a number of metrics which are cultural indicators e.g. absence levels and employee relations cases (see example in appendix 9).

A number of actions are in place to enable two way communication, these include:

  • Six weekly meetings take place between the CFO and approximately 100 leaders of the Service.
  • Monthly ‘ask me anything’ sessions with the CFO which are open to all.
  • A rolling schedule of SLT visits to all stations and departments.

These communication opportunities provide opportunity for issues to be raised and responded to.

October 2023

To further support this recommendation, a monthly culture dashboard has been in place since June 2023. The product is continuously developing. Director of People Services is the NFCC workstream lead for culture dashboards.

January 2024

Culture Dashboard continuing - scrutinised through Service Leadership Team decision meetings. Starting to be presented to Performance and Strategy Board also.

Action: Complete. Dashboard being presented to SLT on a monthly basis and to P&R Board on a quarterly basis.

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