Recommendation 4

Recommendation 4:

By 1 October 2023, as a precursor to the development of the College of Fire and Rescue, chief fire officers and the National Fire Chiefs Council should work with the Home Office to consider how they can improve the training and support they offer to staff in management and leadership development. This should include authority members in respect of their assurance leadership roles and should ensure that opportunities are offered fairly across all staff groups.

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

Action relates to NFCC and CFOs working with Home Office. In ECFRS, leadership development is in place for all relevant staff.

Consideration about how this could be furthered will be undertaken.

October 2023

Full L&D review commissioned and is being monitored through the annual plan.

January 2024

Review presented to Service Leadership Team.

Action: Complete. All training plans are approved and, where appropriate, in place.

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