Recommendation 3

Recommendation 3:

By 1 June 2023, chief fire officers should review how they gather and use equality and diversity data to improve their understanding of their staff demographics, including applying and meeting the requirements of the National Fire Chiefs Council equality, diversity and inclusion data toolkit [].

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

Equality and diversity data are reported on a monthly basis to the Performance and Resources Board.

This is utilised more broadly to demonstrate ‘due regard’ through People Impact Assessments (PIA). Our PIA approach has been enhanced with a PIA hub launched to support colleagues use of PIAs.

Whilst the NFCC EDI data toolkit is focused on ethnicity data, the principles of data collection outlined within the toolkit have been applied more broadly.

An independent external review was commissioned in April 2022 with feedback and recommendations from the independent reviewer provided on 3 July 2022. At that point the ECFRS PIA maturity level was assessed as ‘embracing’.

Since then, our PIA approach has been enhanced with a PIA hub launched to support colleagues use of PIAs.

October 2023

Equality and diversity data reporting continues on a monthly basis to the Performance and Resources Board.

PIA app now in place to further enhance use of PIAs and to give assurance of due regard. Monthly reporting in place from PIA app.

Next independent external review of PIA maturity booked in for January 2024.

Monthly 'deep dive' of proportionate/disproportionate impact relating to each protected characteristic now in place; first 'deep dive' related to gender.

RSM Culture and Behaviours audit reflected diversity data to be a control which was 'adequately designed and operating effectively'.

January 2024

Monthly deep dives continuing. Monthly reporting on use of PIAs ongoing. Reporting through Inclusion and Diversity Action Group.

Action: Complete

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