Recommendation 17

Recommendation 17:

By 1 June 2023, chief fire officers should review the support available for those who have raised concerns and take any action needed to make sure these provisions are suitable.

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

In December 2022, an independent review of all grievance cases and allegations made in the last 12 months was commissioned. The aim of this was to ensure that concerns have been managed appropriately, and, if this is not the case that lessons can be learned. The cases that were reviewed included those which referenced bullying, harassment, criminal allegations, racism, misogyny, prejudicial and improper behaviour and misconduct.

Whilst there were recommendations which have been adopted, the review concluded that concerns had been managed appropriately and outcomes of the cases were considered to be broadly reasonable.

This review was received and considered by the CFO in April 2023.

Separate to this, counselling support is available to all staff and is well utilised. In 22/23, 117 Colleagues used our counselling services.

Coaching is also available to all staff and is well utilised; 244 people have utilised this in the last 12 months.

January 2024

Feedback is requested (via MS Forms) at the close of every case. Data from June-November 2023 has been shared with the Chief Fire Officer. It will be scrutinised through the People Strategy Board.

Action: Scrutiny through People Strategy Board. Recommendation continues to be complete.

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