Recommendation 1

Recommendation 1:

By 1 August 2023, chief fire officers should develop plans to promote progression paths for existing staff in non-operational roles and put plans in place to reduce any inequalities of opportunity.

ECFRS action:

April 2023:

The Leadership, Resourcing and Succession (LRS) pool is in place for all roles. The LRS is essential in meeting current and future demand for skills and capacity.

We have multiple examples of progression paths for existing staff in non-operational roles but could do more to highlight these.

We are engaging with Practice to Progress to support development of all employees that are under-represented within our Service.

We are using the NFCC Supervisory development package. Coaching, appraisal and development conversations are available for all and are well utilised.

October 2023

LRS continues to be in place, non-operational access has doubled year on year since 2020. Video testimonials published with colleagues sharing their promotion paths.

Practice to Progress now in place.

Appraisal process 2023 - 96 % completion. Appraisal QA process completed with recommendations for continuous improvement in place.

January 2024

Non-operational participants of LRS have doubled in the last year. LRS data scrutinised through Performance and Resources Board. ​

Action: Complete

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