Water Safety for Walkers, Runners and Anglers
Each year, an average of 106 people lose their life to drowning as a result of running or walking near water. Figures show around 55% of all drowning victims never intended on being in the water.
Take extra care if you're spending time near the water and read our advice to stay safe.
Top water safety tips running or walking near open water:
- Be aware of your surroundings and take notice of any warning signs
- Never go into the water to rescue a dog. In most cases, dogs will be able to get out themselves
- When running or walking next to open water, stay well clear of bank edges. They are often unstable, and you are more likely to slip, trip or fall
- Try to always walk or run with a friend where possible
- Always let someone know where you’re going and take your mobile phone
- Learn swimming and lifesaving skills
- If you are running or walking early in the morning or late at night, make sure you keep to well-lit areas
Safety Advice for Anglers
Tragically, we see a number of anglers lose their lives to drowning each year.
Although angling can seem like a harmless activity, the danger of large bodies of water should always be considered before grabbing your line. If you're heading out, keep in mind:
- Always wear a floatation vest when wading
- Always try to set up in a safe position with even ground
- When you find a suitable location, consider what you will do if you fall into the water and consider where you can get out
- Take a mobile phone to call 999 if you see someone in trouble
- Know where you are located so that you can direct the emergency services to your area if you need to
- Know how to perform CPR and learn some basic lifesaving skills
- Flooded wellington boots or waders make it very difficult to move and can be a significant hazard. Only wear them if necessary and avoid entering the water if the river has a strong current
- Be aware of local water hazards such as weirs, strong currents, slippery or undercut banks etc.
- Have a throw line with you and practice using it

In the UK, tides are regular and predictable, but many people are caught out by rapidly rising water and become trapped in isolated bays. If you intend to venture across any beach or bank affected by tidal water, make sure you know when the incoming tide is expected and where all the exits are.