Sensory Smoke Alarms

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service provide and fit specialist sensory alarms completely free of charge for anyone with a sensory impairment living in Essex.

We understand that many of our residents might not be able to hear a regular smoke alarm. Essex has one of the highest numbers of sensory impaired communities across the country outside of Metropolitan areas and it’s important that we recognise that the standard smoke alarms we provide might not be suitable for all our residents in Essex. Whether that’s because of their reduced hearing ability, or maybe medication that they take, it would make it harder for them to be alerted by just an audible smoke alarm on its own. 

A sensory smoke alarm is fitted to the ceiling in the same way as a regular smoke alarm and is wirelessly linked to an additional device.

This device is placed in the line of vision of the person who requires the sensory alarm while in bed (i.e. on the bedside table or wall-mounted nearby). 

This additional device is attached to a vibrating pad that is placed underneath a pillow in the bed. 

Multiple linked alarms can be placed throughout the home, so that all alarms activate in the event of one alarm being set off. 

When a smoke alarm on the ceiling is activated, a high-intensity flashing strobe light is set off inside the bed-side device and subsequently, the pad will vibrate underneath the pillow, alerting the person and enabling them to be aware of what actions they need to take which may involve evacuating the property. 

To book a home fire safety visit, where we will provide and fit smoke alarms, please book online:

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