Press release

Fire service urges Essex residents with hearing loss to book free Home Safety Visit

A home fire safety office sits on sofa in living room, offering safety advice
Home Fire Safety Officer during home visit

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) is encouraging residents who are deaf or have hearing loss to take advantage of free home fire safety visits and specialist alarm installations to help keep them safe in their homes.

Many people with hearing loss are at serious risk if they do not have the right alarm in place. Standard smoke alarms provide vital time to escape in the event of a fire, but for those who suffer from hearing difficulties or remove their hearing aids at night, hearing a smoke alarm warning can be a challenge.

To make fire safety advice more accessible, ECFRS has launched a new British Sign Language (BSL) translated video on its website. The video explains the sensory smoke alarm offer and how residents can book a free home safety visit. You can view the video here:

Claire Monk, Live Safe Manager at Essex County Fire and Rescue Service said:

"There is a whole range of alarms designed specifically for people with hearing loss. These alarms, which include vibrating pads and flashing lights, provide valuable time to escape from a house fire - time that could save lives.

"We hope this new awareness campaign will help ensure that more people know about the specialist equipment available and encourage them to reach out for support."

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service offers free home safety visits to all Essex residents, providing expert advice and installing specialist alarms where needed. The Service is urging anyone who is unsure whether their alarm is suitable to get in touch.

"We are here to help make sure your home is as fire safe as possible," added Claire. "If you or someone you know has hearing loss, don’t wait - book a free home safety visit today."

To request a free home safety visit, go to:

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