Press release

Fire Service calls on Essex residents to check in on neighbours

Two neighbours chatting over a fence

We're calling on residents to check on their neighbours who live alone to help prevent fire deaths. 

The call for help follows a fatal bedroom fire in Colchester on 14 January, the resident lived alone. 

Recent figures show that more than 80 per cent of people who died in house fires in Essex over the last few years were older people who lived on their own. Eighty per cent of the people who died did not have working smoke alarms. 

Claire Monk, Live Safe Manager at Essex County Fire and Rescue Service said: 

“Each year, we visit thousands of homes in Essex to help people stay safe and we need your help to make sure we’re reaching the people who need our help the most.  

“We’re particularly looking to book visits in with people who are elderly and live alone or would struggle to get out quickly in the event of a fire or other emergency.  

“Sadly, the statistics speak for themselves. People who live alone are more likely to be victims of fire, and less likely to have working smoke alarms at home.” 

We need your help to signpost neighbours who live alone for help reducing fire risks if they need it.  

If you have any concerns about fire safety in your neighbour’s home, please refer them for a free home safety visit here.

Remember, people who live alone are more vulnerable to fire risks and often lack working smoke alarms. If you can, offer to test their smoke alarms and let ECFRS fit new ones for free if needed. Keep an eye out for fire hazards like unattended candles or portable heaters placed too close to furniture. 

Claire added: “If you hear a smoke alarm or see smoke coming from a neighbour’s house, do not hesitate to dial 999 immediately. Your awareness can save the lives of others.” 

· Essex County Fire and Rescue Service offers a free home safety visit to anyone living in Essex 

· The visits are carried out by trained officers and firefighters who can fit new smoke alarms (if required) and give bespoke fire safety advice 

· We particularly want to visit more people who are older and who live alone 

Find out more here.

Can you help us visit the people who need us the most?

Claire Monk, Live Safe Manager at Essex County Fire and Rescue Service said: 

“Each year, we visit thousands of homes in Essex to help people stay safe and we need your help to make sure we’re reaching the people who need our help the most.  

“We’re particularly looking to book visits in with people who are elderly and live alone or would struggle to get out quickly in the event of a fire or other emergency.  

“Sadly, the statistics speak for themselves. People who live alone are more likely to be victims of fire, and less likely to have working smoke alarms at home.” 

We need your help to signpost neighbours who live alone for help reducing fire risks if they need it.  

If you have any concerns about fire safety in your neighbour’s home, please refer them for a free home safety visit here

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