Essex County Fire and Rescue Service partner with UK's biggest gas distribution network

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service have partnered with Cadent, the UK’s biggest gas distribution network, to raise awareness of the deadly dangers associated with carbon monoxide gas.
Carbon monoxide is known as the ‘silent killer’ because it can’t be seen, smelt or tasted. Therefore, it is paramount that people are made aware of the dangers associated with carbon monoxide, so measures can be put in place to prevent instances from occurring.
In July 2023, Cadent committed to providing the fire service was thousands of carbon monoxide alarms which are being issued to Essex residents as part of the fire service’s home safety visits.
Live Safe Manager Claire Monk said:
“We’re delighted to have Cadent supporting us on this campaign to raise awareness of carbon monoxide. So far we have installed 533 free CO alarms alongside CO safety advice which we include in every home safety visit.
“Carbon Monoxide poisoning is potentially fatal and even inhaling low-levels of the gas can cause lasting damage to your health. With the help of Cadent, we hope to further raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide gas and prevent deaths and injuries from happening across Essex.”
The CO alarms are being installed in homes that have a fuel burning appliances such as a gas heater or wood burning stove. Homes that are rented from private landlords or registered providers of social housing should already have the alarms installed as part of the legal duties imposed by the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulation (2022).
Phil Burrows, Cadent's Head of Customer Vulnerability Social Programme, said:
“We want all our customers to be safe, warm and independent in their homes. Raising awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide and how to protect yourself and others is vital.
“It is important that everyone knows that carbon monoxide alarms save lives, and with the laws changing in relation to carbon monoxide alarms within the home, now is a perfect time to echo the important messages about alarms and we are delighted to be working with Essex County Fire and Rescue Service to do so.”
For more information about gas safety and Carbon Monoxide poisoning visit:
For more information on general fire safety visit