
Working smoke alarms alert residents to tumble dryer fire

Firefighters are highlighting the importance of having working smoke alarms after residents were alerted to a fire in their home when they heard their smoke alarms going off.

On-call firefighters from Stansted and Dunmow were called to a tumble dryer fire in Takely just before 4:30pm.

On arrival. crews reported that a tumble dryer was on fire and extinguished it by 5:43pm.

A family of six was rendered homeless due to the smoke and fire damage to their home.

Firefighters believe the fire was caused by an electrical fault.

Watch Manager Claire Harrington from Stansted Fire Station said: “This incident really highlights why everybody should have a working smoke alarm on every level of their home.

“We recommend you test your smoke alarms at least once a month and if they’re not working, please get in touch with our Home Fire Safety Team for advice at”

Do you have working smoke alarms?

We want every home in Essex to have a working smoke alarm on every floor.

If you or someone you know doesn’t have working smoke alarms at home, please get in touch so we can see how best to provide fire safety advice, either through a Home Safety Visit or advice over the phone.

You can get in touch with us at

Have you registered your appliances for news about safety repairs and product recalls?

You can register all of your domestic appliances, old and new, for FREE at who will contact you in case of any safety repairs or product recalls on your appliances.

Could you be an on-call firefighter?

Firefighters who attended this incident from Stansted and Dunmow are on-call firefighters who all live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station and are paid to protect their local community.

If you live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station, you could be an on-call firefighter. Find out more about the role at

Incident number
Attending station
Harvest Fields, Takely
4.27pm - 23 April 2021