
Surge in chimney fires across Essex

Firefighters have issued advice to residents after we were called to two separate chimney fires last night – one in Little Bardfield and another in Asheldham. 

Fortunately, both fires were extinguished quickly and nobody was harmed.

The latest statistics show that there are approximately 7,000 chimney fires a year in England, but most of these can be prevented.

Experienced firefighter, Nick Singleton, said: "To keep yourself and your family safe from fire you should have your chimney swept regularly – at least once a year.

"If the worst should happen, a smoke alarm can give you the extra time you need to escape, so make sure you have at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home, and test it at least once a month.”

Nick has also reminded residents not to not stack fires too high and to avoid burning resinous woods as soot builds up more quickly, which can become problematic.

Regular inspection and cleaning of chimney flues will help prevent fires within chimneys. Keep your family and home safe by following our chimney safety advice.

  • Have your chimney swept at least once a year, or more frequently if you burn wood
  • Do not stack fires too high and remember to let them burn down well before you go to bed
  • Use a fire or spark guard
  • Inspect your chimney regularly - particularly in the roof space - to ensure that it is sound and that sparks or fumes cannot escape through cracks or broken bricks
  • Avoid burning resinous woods as soot builds up quickly. Suitable seasoned timber must be used in all solid fuel stoves

For more information and safety advice regarding chimney fires visit

Attending station
Little Bardfield, Essex
10.35pm - 31 January 2022