
PHOTOS: Horse rescue

Firefighters helped a 21-year-old horse onto her feet yesterday after she fell in her barn.

Beauty, a shire horse weighing approximately one tonne, had fallen in her barn and was wedged against a wall unable to stand.

When firefighters from Burnham arrived to help, Beauty was tired and shaking. A vet was on scene and had given her some pain relief while a plan was put in place to get her back on her feet.

The Animal Rescue Unit at Chelmsford Fire Station was at another incident but were able to pack up from the scene as quickly as they could to rush to Beauty’s aid.

Seven firefighters attempted to move her in order to give her more space to stand on her own but she was too heavy.

A crew from Tillingham was called in and with a further six firefighters on hand, the team was able to manoeuvre Beauty and flip her onto her side.

Her stable mate was brought in to encourage her up by herself and after 20 minutes, Beauty was back on her feet.

The owners have since been in touch with Burnham Fire Station to say Beauty has recovered well and his been kicking her stable door to let everyone know she wants her breakfast.

Station Manager Steve Faircloth from Burnham Fire Station said: “My personal thanks go to the Animal Rescue Unit for their professionalism, hard work and perseverance on what had already been a very hard day for them.

“Thanks also to Sophie the vet, Tillingham Fire Station tug of war team, my own crew, and the owners who approached a very traumatic situation in a calm and helpful manner when they must have been so very worried.

"Thanks to all at the stables who ran, fetched, held gates and added encouragement. We’re glad Beauty is back on her feet and doing well.”

Could you be an on-call firefighter?

Firefighters attending this incident from Burnham and Tillingham are on-call firefighters, who live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station.

If you live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station, you could be an on-call firefighter and be paid to protect your community.

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Incident number
Wick Road, Burnham-on-Crouch
1.31pm - 10 January 2022