
PHOTO: Field fire

Firefighters helped to prevent a field fire from destroying crops in Felsted today.

Two crews form Chelmsford were called to a field fire in Hartford End, Felsted. The farmer had been using machinery when a stone sparked and ignited the dry grass on the field.

On arrival, crews reported that several acres of grass had caught alight.

Firefighters requested crews from Wethersfield and Witham fire stations to help supply water in the area.

Crews extinguished the fire by 2:14pm and prevented it from spreading to the neighbouring crop fields.

Could you be an on-call firefighter?

Wethersfied and Witham's firefighters are on-call firefighters - they all live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station and are paid to protect their community. 

Do you live or work within 5 minutes of an on-call fire station? You could be an on-call firefighter. 

Find out more about the role and how to apply at

Incident number
Attending station
Hartford End, Felsted
1.27pm - 09 July 2022