
Pan of oil causes kitchen fire

Crews have praised a resident for his quick actions after a kitchen fire.

We were called to Parry Drive, Clacton on Monday (18 December) at 6.02pm and two crews from Clacton attended.

Watch Manager Dave Garratt said: "A pan of oil on the hob had caught alight.

"Unfortunately the flames and smoke damaged the kitchen, but it could have developed into a much bigger fire.

"The incident highlights the importance of taking extra care if you are cooking with hot oil. If it does catch fire, don't throw water on it because it will cause it to spread.

"Turn off the heat if it is safe to do so and get out, stay out and call 999."

Watch Manager Garratt also praised our Control Room colleagues who used their local knowledge to redirect crews to the incident after an address error when the initial call came in.

Crews made sure the fire was fully extinguished and the property was safe. The occupant has been rehoused while repairs are carried out.

Incident number
Attending station
Parry Drive, Clacton
6.02pm - 18 December 2023