
Neighbours alerted to kitchen fire by carbon monoxide alarm

A woman was woken by neighbours after they heard her carbon monoxide alarm going off in the early hours of this morning. 

Crews were called to a flat in Southend after reports of smoke in the kitchen. 

On arrival firefighters reported the fire was already out and the woman was safely outside her property.

Watch Manager Dan Evison, Southend Fire Station, said:

"Thankfully the incident didn't develop into more than light smoke, which had been caused after the hob had been accidentally turned on and was heating up a dish that had been left on top. 

"The carbon monoxide alarm had alerted the neighbours to the incident, who had then checked on the occupant and realised there was a fire developing in the kitchen.

"This was absolutely the right thing to do - if you hear a neighbour's alarm going off never ignore it - it's always worth making sure everything is ok. 

"We also discovered the smoke alarms were not working, which is why the carbon monoxide alarm had gone off instead. Please, regularly test your smoke alarms, never remove the batteries and for the best protection in your home also make sure you have a carbon monoxide alarm."

 Firefighters treated the casualty for smoke inhalation at the scene. 

Do you have working smoke alarms in your home?

Smoke alarms save lives. They can alert your family as well as your neighbours and passersby to a fire in your home if you're not in.

We recommend you have at least one working smoke alarm on every level of your home and that you test them at least once a month.

If you or someone you know doesn’t have working smoke alarms at home, please get in touch. Visit or call 0300 303 0088.

Incident number
Attending station
Leamington Road, Southend
1.56am - 09 November 2021