
Firefighters warn people not to put water or a damp tea towel on an oil fire

Firefighters have warned Essex residents not to attempt to extinguish an oil fire with water or a damp tea towel, following a kitchen fire in Laindon.

The homeowner was using a frying pan on a hob earlier this evening when it caught fire. The homeowner then poured water on it in an attempt to extinguish the fire, but instead it caused the flames to expand immediately. 

Watch Manager Darryl Worster, Basildon Fire Station, said: 

"It's really scary to see how quickly a small fire can engulf a kitchen when water is added to it. 

"We know lots of people are still following some very outdated advice and we're urging them to update their fire safety knowledge. 

"Always stay with your cooking when you're using oil, and if it starts to smoke that means it’s getting too hot so take it off of the heat and let it cool down.

“Most importantly, never put water or a damp tea towel on an oil fire. Water and oil do not mix. If the pan does catch alight, try to take it off the heat if it is safe to do so and then get out of the house and call 999.”

The kitchen had been left with smoke and fire damage. 

When cooking with oil:

  • Take care when cooking with hot oil – it sets alight easily
  • Never leave cooking unattended
  • Make sure food is dry before putting it in hot oil so it doesn’t splash
  • If the oil starts to smoke – it’s too hot.  Turn off the heat and leave it to cool
  • Use a thermostat controlled electric deep fat fryer. They can’t overheat
  • If your pan catches fire, turn off the heat if it is safe to do so. Never throw water or a damp tea towel over it
Incident number
Attending station
Kings Crescent, Laindon
6.30pm - 16 August 2024

What happens when you add water to an oil fire

This slow motion video shows what happens when you ad a small amount of water to oil. Now imagine that in your kitchen. If the pan does catch alight, try to take it off the heat if it is safe to do so and then get out of the house and call 999.

Remote video URL