
Fire in student accommodation

Firefighters have issued a safety message to students and high-rise building residents after a fire in a communal area of a student flat. 

Crews were called to the third-floor flat after a chip pan was left unattended and caught alight. 

The building's evacuation policy was immediately implemented, although there were reports that not everyone left the building. 

Incident Commander Dan Partridge, Colchester Fire Station, said:

"Although the security staff did a great job of assisting us with the evacuation, it was clear that not everyone did as they were instructed. 

"Most high-rise buildings have a stay put policy, but this building has an immediate evacuation policy. Students will have been informed of this when they moved it, and I can't stress how important it is that when you live in a high-rise building you make yourself familiar with the policy and do what you're told to do in the event of a fire. 

"Thankfully the fire door did its job and kept the fire contained to the single room, which our crews then extinguished quickly."

Firefighters extinguished the fire by 3.54pm.

The cooker, hob and kitchen has been left with fire, heat and smoke damage. 

Station Manager Partridge added:

"Cooking with hot oil can be dangerous - it sets alight easily, so never leave it unattended. 

"If your pan catches fire, turn off the heat if it is safe to do so and never throw water over it."

High-rise safety

If you live in a high-rise building it is important for your own safety to understand what to do in the event of a fire, whether it’s in your flat or somewhere else in the building: Find out more by visiting our High Rise Safety pages.

Incident number
Attending station
Lightship Way, Colchester
2.56pm - 28 February 2021