
Crews issues bonfire safety advice after incident in Jaywick

Firefighters have issued safety advice after they attended two incidents in Jaywick this morning.

We were called to Alvis Avenue at 12.23am and a crew from Clacton attended.

They discovered that a fire in an unattended incinerator had spread to rubbish and a power line pole. They fully extinguished it by 12.47am.

The second incident, at 2.32am, was a fire in a grassy area at the back of houses in Napier Avenue. Clacton's crew fully extinguished it by 3.09am.

There have been a number of fires and false alarms in Jaywick in recent weeks and crews are urging residents to be vigilant.

Watch Manager Dave Garratt said: "If you are having a bonfire or burning rubbish, please do not leave it unattended; it could quickly get out of control and spread rapidly.

"Make sure it is well away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs.

"Many of the fires we have attended recently are dangerous and easily preventable. If you know anything about deliberate fires, please use FireStoppers - an anonymous reporting service.”

You can call FireStoppers on 0800 169 5558 or fill in an online form, here.

Incident number
Attending station
Alvis Avenue, Jaywick
12.23pm - 30 September 2023