High Rise Accomodation
It's important to understand what to do in the event of a fire, whether it’s in your flat or somewhere else in the building.
Most high-rise blocks of flats have a "stay put" policy in the event of a fire. You should have been provided with this information when you moved in, however you can also find out your building's policy direct with the management company/council who own the building.
If there is a fire in your flat:
Follow your escape plan: get everyone out, stay out, call 999
Close all doors behind you as you leave to contain the fire
Walk down the nearest stairs or through the nearest fire exit. DO NOT use the lift
If there is a fire in another flat and your flat is unaffected by heat or smoke:
Close your doors and windows
Stay put unless the fire service advise otherwise
Call the fire service on 999 – NEVER assume that someone else has already made a call
If trapped in your flat by fire:
Get everyone to the safest room within the flat, as far away from the smoke/heat entry point as possible
Call the fire service on 999 – and tell us your flat and floor number
If the fire service needs to fully evacuate the building they will knock door to door.
Protect your home and be prepared
Protect your home
Fit at least one smoke alarm in your flat
Test your smoke alarm once a month
Never take the batteries out
Always follow the manufacturers advice
Be prepared
- Keep exits clear at all times
- Keep door and window keys near the exit
- Prepare a grab bag that you can take if you need to be evacuated. Think about prescriptions, important documents (such as your driving licence and passport), spare keys, a mobile phone, charger and a torch
- Get to know your neighbours. Are they young, elderly or vulnerable? They may need assistance in an emergency

Do you live in high rise accomodation?
It's really important for your own safety to understand what to do in the event of a fire, whether it’s in your flat or somewhere else in the building.
Watch our video for advice on what to do if a fire breaks out in your apartment block.