Firefighter Dominic Daniel
Dominic's childhood dream was to become a firefighter and when he moved from London to Ongar, he became an on-call firefighter at Ongar Fire Station.
Firefighter Dominic Daniel’s childhood dream was to become a firefighter and when he moved from London to Ongar, he became an on-call firefighter at Ongar Fire Station.
“When I saw the banner at the Fire Station, I saw it as my opportunity to fulfil that childhood dream,” says Dominic. “The hours fitted around my work schedule and my whole family supports me being an on-call firefighter.”
Dominic – who is a Duty Manager, Lifeguard and Royal Lifesaving Society Assessor in his day job – works with his colleagues to help protect their community and he loves being part of a close-knit team.
He said: “I love being part of the team and learning and developing new skills which not only benefit me but my community when they need our help.”
Dominic’s advice to anyone thinking of applying for an on-call firefighter role is: “Just do it, can you see yourself enjoying anything else more? I didn’t pass my fitness test the first time but with determination and the support and encouragement from the team, I managed to make the cut.”
Find out more about becoming an on-call firefighter at Ongar Fire Station at join.essex-fire.gov.uk/on-call/ongar/
Ongar Fire Station
Ongar Fire Station is recruiting! If you live or work within 5 minutes of Ongar Fire Station, you could be paid to protect your community as an on-call firefighter like Dominic and his colleagues.