Flooded Essex road

Fire Service warning ahead of Storm Ciaran

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service is warning Essex residents to be prepared for strong winds and persistent rain that look set to be sweeping the County over the next few days.  

Storm Ciaran is forecasted to arrive on Wednesday, with winds reaching a peak 60+mph by Thursday evening. This could cause trees to uproot and flying debris to impact transport and travel. Flooding could also be possible in areas where the ground is already saturated.  

The fire service is advising residents to be prepared and make sure their property and garden furniture is well secured ahead of the storm. 

Group Manager David Walpole, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, said:  

“60mph winds are enough to lift garden furniture but the good news is we know about this in advance so we can all play our part in helping. Take some time to clear your gardens from anything left from the summer months and secure anything that might blow away. 

“Loose objects such as your bins, plant pots, garden furniture and trampolines should all be moved inside, turned upside down or secured to the ground with tent pegs. Also lock all doors and windows of sheds, garages and outbuildings to keep them safe. 

“We are also urging Essex residents to only travel if necessary and check in on any vulnerable neighbours and family members to make sure they are safe."

During adverse weather conditions the fire service’s 999 Control Room is often inundated with 999 calls, many of which are not emergencies and block the phone lines for real life-threatening calls. 

Group Manager David Walpole added:

“We are urging Essex residents to be prepared and to not take risks during the storm. If you come across a road which is affected by debris or flooded, please be sensible and only call 999 in an emergency or if there's a risk to life - the fire service doesn't recover cars from flood water.

"Remember, if you come across a closed or flooded road, please don't try to drive through it - it's dangerous and could damage your car too - just find another route.” 

Advice to follow:  

  • Make sure your property and garden furniture is well secured 
  • Stay away from coastal walks 
  • Avoid using the roads if you can. If you must travel, prepare for your journey by checking weather updates and road closures before leaving 
  • Never drive into flood water. Stay safe by finding an alternative route. 
  • Download the what3words app to help you find, share and save your precise location if you need help from the emergency services while you're out. Download what3words 
  • Remember, only call 999 if there is a risk to life. 

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