ECFRS ethane checklist for farmers

ETHANE messaging for farmers when asking for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service to attend

If you need us to visit your farm in an emergency, we've prepared a list of things to consider to help us help you as best as we can.

If you need us to visit your farm in an emergency, we've prepared a list of things to consider to help us help you as best as we can. 

Please see a PDF version of our ethane messaging for you to print here.

E - Exact location

Download the what3words app to easily identify location or use the standard OS Grid reference

T - Type of incident
  • Clearly state the nature of the emergency or incident
  • Provide a brief overview of what has happened or is currently happening
H - Hazards
  • Identify any immediate threats, risks or hazards posed by the situation e.g. water/slurry tanks,chemicals/fertilisers,animals, buildings, straw/hay storage, cylinders 
  • What animals are around who may be impacted by arrival of emergency services? Can they be secured away from danger? Horses are the main risk (especially if Air Ambulance is in attendance) 
A - Access
  • Best routes for access/egress – is the location given the best access point for emergency vehicles?
  • Are there any restrictions? Road/gate widths, locked gates, state of the ground – flooding, ploughed field 
  • what3words location of access/egress points e.g. gates 
N - Number of casualties
  • Are there any injuries? Nature of those injuries 
  • Are any animals/humans trapped/at risk?
E - Emergency services
  • Which emergency services do you need? Are any emergency services present? 
  • Have you called your vet if animals involved? 




  • Is there a location where multiple agencies could all co-locate? 
  • Do you know the what3words locations of all your field/gate entrances? If not consider writing these down and informing farm staff
  • If the ambulance control have called the air ambulance, where is best to land if the location of the incident is in woodland/forest/tree cover? What options are there for you to help in the transportation of the medical team from their landing site to the incident?
  • Can someone standby in hi-vis or similar to help crews with directions to the scene? 


Fire incident commanders will require farm staff to help them with their tactical plan.This may involve sharing of information or your priorities i.e. livestock or crop.


Joint understanding of risk

  • Work with the farmers – they know what is in each of the buildings
  • If there are any hazardous materials such as nitrates/cylinders/waste etc. make sure the incident commander is aware

Situational awareness

If you are present at the multi agency meeting the incident commander will share the jointly agreed working strategy with you. Your knowledge is important to their gathering of situational awareness. You know the lay of the land, the hazards and hidden dangers, you also know where police/fire/ambulance staff can reach.



Throughout an incident, the incident commander will be talking to many people about multiple things. Make sure you have left the most appropriate contact details with them for them to be able to get in contact with you should they need to.

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