Cold Water Shock
The term ‘Cold Water Shock’ refers to a range of natural reactions that our bodies take to protect us when we enter cold water (although these reactions can sometimes work against us).
What should you do if you fall into the water?
First, keep your mouth away from the water until you have your breathing back under control, you can do this by rolling onto your back and floating or paddling to stay at the surface.
Then, don’t waste any time and swim towards an exit before your muscles start to cool. If you aren't able to exit the water, swim towards something that will help you to stay afloat whilst you are calling for help.
Finally, once you are out of the water re-warm yourself as soon as you can to avoid hypothermia.
What to do if you experience Cold Water Shock
Click to watch this great video from the RNLI, which features important information about what to do if you find yourself in cold water.