Caring for smokers
The best way to prevent smoking-related fires is to stop smoking. It has been the top factor in fatal fires for many years. So if you're caring for someone who smokes start by encouraging them to quit. You could save their life in more ways than one. Find help and advice on the NHS Smokefree website.
As a carer, we understand that you have a lot of responsibilities. But by taking action, you can save a life or prevent serious injury.
10 steps to safer smoking
- Encourage the person to book (or agree to be referred) for a home fire safety visit
- Point out the risks to the person as they may not be aware of the danger
- Let them know that it's never too late to quit - and that vaping is less dangerous than smoking
- Encourage them to only smoke if there's someone at home with them
- Always provide proper ashtrays and empty them regularly
- Make sure ashtrays are within easy reach
- Don’t let the person smoke in bed or where they sleep
- Tell them to never smoke when using oxygen
- If they need to use emollient and skin creams, tell them not to smoke
- Book a home fire safety visit to get the bespoke safety advice