Animal Rescues
Essex County Fire and Rescue Service rescue dozens of animals every year, from donkeys to monkeys. Our Animal Rescue team are based at Chelmsford Fire Station.
Our specially trained team members are trained in animal psychology, how to handle different species and how to react to an animal in distress.
Large animal rescue can potentially be a dangerous activity for firefighters and so specialised training and equipment is essential. The larger species more commonly rescued are horses, cattle, pigs, sheep and deer that find themselves trapped in machinery, bogs, slurry pits, rivers, pools, ditches or victims of cliff falls and road incidents.
How do we help?
It depends on the animal and the specific circumstances. Typically we will be asked to attend an animal rescue following a request from another emergency service or the RSPCA.
In 2023, we rescued 243 animals, ranging from domestic animals to livestock and exotic rescues.
What should you do if you see an animal in distress?
Always contact the RSPCA in the first instance on 0300 1234 999, or using their contact form. Their dedicated experts can provide best advice straight away, and will contact us directly if our involvement is necessary.
To keep your animals safe, you should:
- maintain fences so that livestock and other animals don’t get trapped
- keep your dog away from rabbit holes
- keep dogs on leads when near quarries, clifftops and fast-flowing water
- never jump in water to rescue your dog. Dogs are usually able to get out themselves, and you could put your life in danger by trying to help them
- never try to enter water or climb heights to rescue an animal yourself
- never leave your dog in a car – especially not on a warm day.