Our goal is to make Essex safer, together.

We're asking residents, businesses and local partners to have their say on the future of fire and rescue services in Essex.  

We have launched the next step in our consultation on our draft Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP), which outlines key priorities for protecting lives, property, and the environment. 

The consultation, which runs from 8 January 2025 to 19 February 2025, offers everyone in Essex the chance to shape a plan that will guide the our Service’s work over the coming years. 

This consultation follows a similar process that took place last year, when Essex residents were asked to comment on proposed priorities. The results from that initial consultation have shaped this draft CRMP and priorities.  

What are the emerging risks in Essex?

Watch this video to find out what the emerging risks are in Essex. 

Video file

Based on the emerging risks in Essex, the draft CRMP outlines five strategic priorities: 

  1. Preventing fires and other emergencies: Taking proactive steps to reduce risks. 
  2. Reducing the impact of fire in the built environment: Enhancing safety in homes, businesses, and public spaces. 
  3. Responding effectively to emergencies: Ensuring rapid and professional emergency responses. 
  4. Inclusive and high-performing culture: Fostering equality, diversity, and excellence within the Service. 
  5. A resilient and sustainable future: Preparing for long-term challenges like climate change. 

These goals align with national standards and have been developed through extensive engagement with staff, partners and the public.  

We hope you will help us in shaping our five-year strategic plan by taking part in our consultation.

We're asking you to help finalise our Community Risk Management Plan by sharing your thoughts on our draft document. 

Complete our survey and help protect Essex together. 

Sign up to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date with all our content. 

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